quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

Bibliografias (internacionais)

BERGE, Yvonne. Viver o seu corpo: por uma pedagogia do movimento. Editora: Martins Fontes.
ALBRIGHT, Ann Cooper (1998) Choreographing Difference, the body and identity in contemporary dance. London and Hanover: Wesleyan University Press. ISBN - 0-8185-6321-8

BANES, Sally( 1998) Dancing Women, female bodies on stage. Routledge. London and New York. ISBN - 0-415-11162-5

BARIL, Jacques (1987) La Danza Moderna. Buenos Aires: Paidós ISBN 84-7509-456-2

BROWN, Trisha (1998) Danse, précis de liberté. Réunion des Musées Nationaux. ISBN- 2-7118-3707-6

CANTON, Katia (1994) E o Príncipe Dançou ... São Paulo, ed. Ática
ISBN- 85 08 05123 9

COHEN, Selma Jeanne (1992) Dance as a Theatre Art, source readings in dance history from 1581 to the present. New Jersey: Princeton Company
ISBN - 0-87127-173-7

COLE, Jonnathan (1999) About Face. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-53163-1

COPELAND, Roger and Marshall Cohen (1983)What is dance? Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-503197-0

CRARY J. and Sanford Kwinter. (1992) Incorporations. Zone 6. ISBN - 0-942299-29-9. MIT Press.
O’Dell Kathy (1998) Contract with the skin, masochism, performance art and the 1970s. University of Minnesota Press.

FEHER, Michel with Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi. Fragments for a History of the Human Body. 3 volumes. Zone 3, 4 and 5. MIT Press.
ISBN 0-942299-23-X
ISBN 0-942299-24-8
ISBN 0-942299-28-0

FOSTER, Susan Leigh (1986) Reading Dancing, bodies and subjects in Contemporary American Dance. University of California Press. ISBN -0-520-06333-3

HARDCASTLE Gray, Valerie (1999) Mith of Pain. MIT Press ISBN 0-262-08283-7

David and Carla Mazzio (1997) The body in parts, fantasies of corporeality in early modern europe. Routledge. ISBN - 0-415-91694-1

HOET, Jan et Hugo de Greef (1993) Jan
Fabre, Le Guerrier de la beauté. Paris: L’Arche ISBN - 2-85181-345-5

HOGHE, Raimund (1987) Pina Bausch, Histoires de théâtre dansé. Lárche. ISBN - 2-85181-064-2

JONES, Amelia (1998) Body Art/ Performing the subject. University of Minnesota Press.
Young, Andrew (1998) Face and Mind Oxford Cognitive Science Series, n.2 ISBN - 0-19-852420-X.

KURIYAMA, Shigehisa (1999)The expressiveness of the body and the divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine.MIT Press. ISBN o-942299-8844

KIRSTEIN, Lincoln Dance a short history of classic theatrical dancing. 1987, 4th ed. Princeton Book Co.ISBN 87-127-019-6

KIRSTEIN Lincoln (1984) Four Centuries of Ballet, fifty masterworks Dover Publications Inc ISBN 0-486-24631-0

LESSCHAEVE Jacqueline (1991) The dancer and the dance, Merce Cunningham in conversation.Ed Marion Boyars. ISBN 0-7145-2931-1

LOUPPE, Laurence et alii Danses Tracées. (1991) Editions Dis Voir. ISBN 2-906571-21-0

NOCHLIN, Linda (1994)Body in Pieces,The fragment as a metaphor of Modernity. Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-55027-1

ROUCH, Jean et alii (1992) Corps Provisoire. Ed. Armand Colin. ISBN - 2-200-37266-3

SIEGEL, Marcia(1979) The Shapes of Change. Berkeley: University of California Press. 0-520-04203-4
Cohen, Bonnie Bainbridge.(1997) 3d ed. Sensing, Feeling and Action, Massachussets: Contact Editions ISBN 0-937645-03-6

SPARSHOTT, Francis (1995) A Measured Pace, toward a philosophical understanding of the Arts of Dane. Uuniversity of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-6946-0

TERRY, Walter (1971) 2d ed. The Dance in America. New York: Harper and Row Publishers ISBN- 06-014244-8

VACCARINO, Elisa (1995) Pina Bausch, Parlez-moi d’amour, un colloque . Paris: L’Arche ISBN - 2-85181-352-8

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